
Work with us!

Brightmotive helps thousands of car mechanics by providing the best e-commerce experience in the market. We're improving the core and experimenting with new ideas every day. This is what excites us.

Open positions

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Our values

State of the art
Make good software better. That is why we work with the best equipment in good workplaces.
We dream big, but prefer controlling our own destiny and working as a small team.
Question everything
We apply first-principle thinking and keep questioning why things work as they do.
We build to benefit all customers, not just one.
Start with simple
We aim for intuitive interactions that provide immediate value, while still offering a depth of functionality.
Work with passion
When we wake up, we feel excited to work. We have good days and bad ones, but we actively work to have more good ones.

About our company

Brightmotive was born in 2018 out of the desire to create a meaningful and lasting impact on people. Since 2001, we've been helping many companies to start their software business. Yet, we still felt empty-handed. We love making high quality software and crafting the best experience for the end-user. From the moment that Brightmotive became a success, the company continued individually.

We've noticed that the car parts aftermarket software was stuck in time. Maybe we could use our years full of experience and build the best experience for car mechanics? Brightmotive was born!

We're focussing completely on Brightmotive and going strong. Yet, we still feel it's early days. There is lots of room for significant and cool improvements. On top of that, we're expanding to international customers.

© 2025 Brightmotive Services bv
Maliesingel 40
3581 BK Utrecht NL
Tel: +3130 22 700 25
Developed by Brightin bv with ♥ in Utrecht, the Netherlands